Frequently asked questions

Why am I allowed to order more items than are currently in stock?

We allow customers to order more items than are in stock if additional items are expected to arrive within 90 days.

Why can't I select express delivery for certain products?

Express delivery is only available for items currently in stock.

I am unable to choose express delivery, what could be the reason?

Our express service currently has limitations: 23 kg maximum weight and EUR 250 or EUR 350 minimum order value. If your order exceeds these limits, please contact our team for assistance.

Why aren't freight charges displayed during checkout?

Freight charges are not displayed as they will be calculated based on our standard agreements with you.

What are the applicable payment and delivery terms?

Our agreed-upon delivery and payment terms apply to all orders.

I updated the quantity in my shopping basket, but the changes didn't reflect. Why?

Please refresh the shopping basket page by clicking on the cart symbol at the top.

I encountered issues uploading an excel file, what could be the problem?

Ensure that you are using the correct file (see our example) and ensure that you are using correct NKE designations, such as 6204-2Z or NU307-E-TVP3 or 32204.

Can I consolidate my express deliveries?

Unfortunately, consolidating express deliveries is not feasible as it would incur more costs than sending each order separately. Express orders are treated as individual shipments.

Can multiple users share one company account?

Currently, we provide access per user only, and do not offer accumulated company accounts.

Why was I charged for delivery when I thought it was supposed to be free?

It is the customer's responsibility to maintain the agreed minimum order value to qualify for free carriage. We are working on displaying freight charges and limits in the future.

What should I do if I can't find a specific item listed in the NKE webshop?

Inform us about the missing item, and we will update our listings as soon as possible.

How can I check the availability of incoming stock for products?

Currently, you see the inflow of products fort he next 90 days, further incoming stock information are not included by now.

Are the displayed prices final?

Yes, the displayed prices are final and exclude VAT and transportation costs.

Can I easily order several items that I already know?

Yes, in “my account” there is the possibility to order articles directly by entering the article description without having to search for them in the catalog.

Can I change my password?
Yes, the password can be changed in the “My account” section, Account information.
How do I use a promo code that I have received?
A promo code can be easily entered in the checkout in the field provided and will then be applied to your shopping cart.
Can I send the order to an alternative delivery address?
You can only use Shipping Adresses we have saved before and you find them directly in the checkaout.
What data can I use to search to find items?
In our search you can search with NKE reference number, EAN/GTIN and cross-references.
Where can I find the items I have marked as favorites?
You will find a list of your favorites in the “My Account” menu.
What means in the Check out "Order options"

You can choose between 2 options. 
Option 1: the entire order is sent as soon as the goods are available (items that are not in stock are ordered directly and delivered later). 
Option 2: All items that are in stock will be sent (including partial quantities of individual items) and you will receive a quote with price and delivery time for the remaining items/quantities).
